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FizzleFroth's News

Posted by FizzleFroth - February 20th, 2024

Yo, peeps. Yep, Patreon is going on a break, at least for this month. My life and schedule are gradually pivoting back towards my old job, which takes a considerable amount of time and focus and I can't in good faith keep accepting your money while I'll be updating a bit less, especially during this transitory period where I still need to accept commission work to pay my rent.

This doesn't mean I will stop the comic, nor will I stop posting, especially If my old job becomes fully reliable again. My schedule will be a lot more manageable then, and commissions will be taken (for the most part) out of the picture.

Sorry if these updates are so thick, but I feel like spending some time to write down this stuff is the least I can do, especially there where money is concerned. I'll still be working, you'll still see me updating. Again, thanks for supporting, and see you soon!

Posted by FizzleFroth - January 29th, 2024

Hello everybody! I hope you’re ready for one of those immense posts people do that no one reads, though I suggest some of you do, it’s important. Hopefully, I will never need to write down this much in the future. Just know, for short, that everything I do is to favor quality over quantity.

I’ve been thinking it over and I came to a conclusion. Some of you might remember a post from some time back where I mentioned my work being boring.

Many of you disagreed, and you were right. The problem with my work is not that It’s boring, but that it became incredibly corporate. That’s what’s been bugging me. This profile started with the intent of being somewhat of a journal for me to keep track of things on my way to get back into art proper and to try and put myself on the path of self-improvement after a long time of stagnation.

Posting was supposed to be secondary, exploring was the focus, and it had worked… Up to the point when Gone Feral found success (DON’T WORRY I’m not going to stop updating, nor am I going to take a break), more precisely, when I decided to try and make it a business.

Opening a Patreon is fine, but there is such a thing as too soon. I shouldn’t put the weight of my economic success on the thing I love doing the most. Not through this current format, at the very least. The early access ruined my fun, and the voting, entertaining as it was, led me to draw things I’m not all too happy with.

That’s not on my patrons, of course, they have been incredibly kind since, well, they HAVE been supporting me (big shoutout to you, guys). It’s my fault, however. I put the options there, I whored my character out… And I couldn’t handle it, much as I tried. My page became a flurry of preview pictures and a permanent reminder that I have a paywall up which… I can’t stand.

I want people to be able to enjoy what I do for free.

Fun fact is that this isn’t my first attempt either. This problem started a long time ago, when I was told that, well, I could make this a business, much before I created this account. I tried multiple times throughout the years, I had multiple Patreons and a lot of false starts.

It took me this one to understand why none of them succeeded. It’s because I will never be able to make a living out of my art. Not only because I genuinely think I’m not good enough (yet), but because I don’t want to. It’s the wrong path for me to take, at least for now. And it’s fine.

It's okay. Finding a personality as an artist, being transparent and genuine with myself... I choose to give it full precedence.

I’m not ruling the option out, but I will stop looking for succeass in that direction. If it ever happens? Good. Otherwise? I’m finding another solution to get the mula. Art is for me to speak with myself and you, cheesy as it sounds.

Now, here’s what I’m going to do: Patreon is NOT going to close, but it will be depowered. It’s going back to being a glorified tip-jar, along with Discord access to a much smaller, more modest server. But whether I work on the comic or not does not depend on it anymore, this way I can delay a page as much as I need and keep all the surprises to myself, not only regarding the comic itself. And it will NOT be advertised outside of my bio and MAYBE some completed, free-to-access work here and there.

Commissions, particularly commission streamings, are STAYING. Because I still need the cash, I don’t have my old job back yet. As a matter of fact, on the off chance that I will ever power the Patreon up again, it will probably be modeled around commissions, which are the only things I make that work around a “business model” of sorts.

As for everything else, yeah, I will go back to keep all my stuff a secret that I can enjoy and toy with until it’s out. I like it much more that way. I want to focus on the making and the creative process as much as I can.

I know this was a big read, I usually keep these thoughts to myself, but in this case… People who are giving me money are directly involved, and I think they all have the right to know what’s happening in great detail.

If you managed to get through this wall of text, first off: CONGRATULATIONS. Secondly, thanks a lot. See you as soon as I have a proper idea~


Posted by FizzleFroth - December 22nd, 2023


What I do is boring. Not the comic, which still has to show its true colors, and I'm confident that it will happen in time.

But everything else? Truly needs a punch in the guts and a kick in the butt.

This is *not* what I want to leave behind.


Posted by FizzleFroth - July 18th, 2023

Yo peeps, little update; there have been several surprise expenses these months and commissions, while helpful, aren't going to cut it. That, in addition to a trip down to French which was paid for months advance, are going to keep me off my comic for at least 3 weeks. 

I will try to squeeze one last update before leaving, but I'm hard pressed into finishing all of my commissions as soon as possible due to impending debts and whatnot. Nothing I can't handle, don't worry~

That said, when I do get back I plan to do so with a boom. Stay tuned and get ready.

Posted using PostyBirb



Posted by FizzleFroth - March 25th, 2023

Alright, guys, apologies; page 32 is scrapped as well. There will be a small delay on this update, much like the previous one.

I had pictured this scene differently, so I need to properly figure it out, otherwise it's ruined.

Thanks for being patient so far!


Posted by FizzleFroth - November 19th, 2022

For following me here too. It means a lot. I know it's not much, but I assure you there are no better words to put it. Thanks.


Posted by FizzleFroth - November 18th, 2022

Hey, for those who might be paying attention, I've been trying to understand Newgrounds' sensibilities a bit more recently, but I seem to fail. Despite being the place where I'm least successful, it's also probably the one where I prefer posting. I like the community and how the entire site operates.

t's not hard to tell it's made with artists in mind, with all the shortcomings it might have.

But I can't seem to hit the right buttons with people on here. I was wondering if there might be a specific reason. Maybe it's something in the works I do. Anthro is not quite as appreciated on here? Maybe it's how I draw and approach it?

Maybe I look too uh... 'Twitter' friendly? Which couldn't be farther from the truth, as the comic is soon going to prove, but I thought I'd openly ask.

And yes, I know I should draw art for myself before anyone else, but some feedback would be quite appreciated. Everywhere else it became way too easy to get lots and looots of validation, which is nice, mind you, but critiques help growth too.



Posted by FizzleFroth - January 19th, 2022

Sharing this before I start drawing because it helps. From now on I'll try and draw anything that comes to mind, even if it's dumb, unoriginal and conventional. I need to understand what is that I want to say with my stuff and there's no doing that without getting it wrong first.

I feel like I'm too worried of what people will think when they see the things I make, I need to shake the feeling off if I ever want to make something that I enjoy.

That will be my goal for a while now. You can't get good if you don't stumble here and there. Let's see where it goes.

Hopefully I'll get it.